Hi welcome to today's blog in class we got to post a blog post about something we did this week.That was ready,set,design.We where all in a group of 4.We had to make something that when our teacher Mr Riceman walks out of class we have to make shore that he doesn't get wet.Me and my partner made a suitcase.
This is a suitcase that is waterproof.As you can see there is a purple button if you press it a umbrella will come up.In the inside is also waterproof so then he doesn't get his laptop or his other work papers wet and soggy.We had to design 3 or 2 in our groups.Our other design was a pack where he can charge his phone and where he can keep things safe in it.
I think I did well because I had a idea in my mind about how I am going to design our suitcase and I knew how to explain our suitcase.I also had something in my mind of doing a blog on my ready,set,design.
Thank you for ready and having a look at my blog.Maybe if you have time you could drop a comment.Also you could have a look at my class blog.
From Margaret
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