
Monday, December 12, 2016

final 2016 blog post

Hi,there blogging world,

Thank you for coming to visit my learning blog.this will be my last post because I am going on holiday. I have enjoyed   using this blog to share my learning with you all.I hope you have enjoyed about my learning to.

Blog you later.
From Margaret 

My fun Cyber smart game

My cyber smart game

For today and the whole week we have been finishing of our cyber smart game.If you would like to have a play of it here's the link.

What I did was I choose to do an short game and I have an online dice which will take you to an online dice.I also have icons so you now where you were.

I think After all this, next time I would try to make an longer game and make more activities and try to finish it on time.I think I would improve if I add more things like more squares and add more numbers and in icons and make a slide next time and use avatars.

If you have spear time you could leave an comment.
Post you later. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Novel study

Novel study

what we did was we had to read the story and then reflect on.My story was could charlie and the chocolate.  This  was important because teachers can learn if you have been learning something about the story you have been reading.It was a change for me because what we usually do is just read a story with our teacher. 
I think what might happen next is that we might do it again and if we did I think I would have done it more faster and take my time and not rush it through.   

If you have time your could have a look at my class. .

Post you later.

thinking hats

Thing hats 

For this week and last week we have been answering questions about our school production.If you would like to have a look at some of the questions that I had to answer.Here is a google drawing that I made.

What-what we did was answer questions about our school production.

So what-Our school production is important because we have it ever 2 years and it is for the year sixes to remember  and the year fives.Now what.

I think what happens next  is that we all can think back and keep it as a memorise 

Have a look at my answers

If you have time maybe you could have a look at my class blog.
Ps-Please leave a  comment